Helen Jackson

Speaker Bio

I am a GPhC inspector and have worked for the pharmacy regulator including the RPSGB since 2007. I registered as a pharmacist in 1992 and spent the first 10 years managing a variety of community pharmacies including supermarkets, health centres and a year working in a private hospital in Melbourne, Australia. On returning to the UK I was keen to practice in a different field and spent two years as a RPSGB standards advisor and an inspector before moving to Leeds where I worked for the NHS and as a pharmacy inspector for the care home regulator which at the time was CSCI.

As a GPhC Inspector I am based in Leeds and cover East Yorkshire, North East Lincolnshire and parts of North and West Yorkshire. I have developed the role of lead inspector for pharmacies providing Homecare Medicines Services through several years of inspecting the sector including collaborative working with colleagues from CQC and MHRA. I supported the GPhC’s evidence session at the House of Lords Inquiry and contributed to the GPhC’s response to the DHSC.