Alison Davis, Chair of the National Clinical Homecare Association (NCHA) is delighted to announce that the NCHA in collaboration with Susan Gibert, National Homecare Medicines Committee (NHMC) has be awarded the status of ‘Highly Commended’ as this year’s Go Awards.

UK National Government Opportunities (GO) Excellence In Public Procurement Awards 2022

On behalf of NCHA I wish to thank everyone involved who made this happen. It’s wonderful to be recognised by the judges once again for the services provided to patients and the collaboration between all stakeholders.

We submitted in the category for ‘Continuous Improvement Award’ and we were selected as a finalist and are delighted to receive a Highly Commended Award.

The Continuous Improvement Award is specifically designed to look at the longer-term benefits that have been achieved through adopting a collaborative approach in the delivery of public contracts. Whether works, services or supplies, this category recognises those organisations that have sought to work with their contractors to improve the deliverables during the life of the contract.

The level of determination, commitment, flexibility and ability to work in partnership in support of patients has truly been exceptional and this has been recognised by the judging panel. So to all our members, our NHS Colleagues, the Pharma Industry and most importantly our Patients. We thank you.

Our submission focused on the continued work we have undertaken re Covid and the improvement re the E Rx Hub Project.

The award was presented to NCHA and NHMC at a Gala Dinner on the 25th May at the Hilton Metropole in Birmingham.

Alison Davis
Chair NCHA